Southport Turning Notch Extension and Crane Infrastructure Improvements
The project consists of extending the Southport Turning Notch turn-around area from the existing 900 feet to 2,400 feet to create new cargo berthing.
The first portion of this project completed in 2016 included creation of approximately 16 acres of new mangroves on undeveloped Port Everglades property that was deeded to the State of Florida in exchange for an 8-acre portion of existing conservation easement needed for berth expansion.
The second portion of the project includes the marine infrastructure associated with the extension of the Southport Turning Notch by approximately 1,500 feet to the west, with wharf construction, marine and utility infrastructure, and environmental mitigation.
The project also consists of the landside infrastructure improvements to support the acquisition of six additional Super Post-Panamax gantry cranes in Southport along Berths 31 and 32 as well as Berth 30. Additionally, the project includes extending the existing 100' gauge crane rails along Berth 30, westward to the limits of the new Southport Turning Notch Extension.
To support the new crane rails, a new two-story switchgear and office building was built just west of the current facility.
Wetland Mangrove Enhancement
Project (August 2015)
Southport Turning Notch Extension
construction (May 2022)
Southport Turning Notch Extension
construction (May 2022)